Welcome to Plymouth Chapter UK of the Harley Owners Group
We are part of the international family of HOG, the largest factory sponsored riding club in the world! Our chapter is one of over 14,000 official HOG Chapters throughout the world, which unites around a million people who all have a common passion – Harley-Davidson motorcycles. We are proud to be sponsored by Harley Owners Group, who share our passion and deliver our dreams!
I’m now 2nd man behind road captain ( wearing hi-vis vest)
The road captain makes a clear arm signal and points to the left where he would like me to stop and direct the rest of the ride out..
Once safely stopped you can see me cancel indicator, bike in to neutral and then indicate the left turn with my left arm.
I then stay in position until i can clearly see the Sweep, this could be a few seconds to several minutes, but i do not leave this position until that time.
In this instance it was 2mins 8seconds, the sweep slowed down to give me plenty of time to pull away safely..
It’s a fool proof way to stay together