Joining Us

To be a member of Plymouth Chapter, you must be a current member of the Harley Owners Group (HOG). For details of how to join HOG, the different levels of HOG membership and subscription rates please visit the HOG website.

We offer one level of chapter membership – Full Annual Membership, which runs from January to January. However, we welcome new members at any time during the year and if you join after October in any year, your membership fee will cover the following year.

If you would like to join us please download and print off a copy of our membership form. Alternatively email our Membership officer or the next time you’re in Plymouth Harley Davidson, speak to Kev Tomlinson or Anthony Hart, our chapter liaison officers.

If you want to find out more about us why not come along to the Dealership on any Saturday morning (at Plymouth Harley Davidson), when many members meet up for Breakfast Club (a natter and a catch up).